Brenda Fowler

Executive Director, People for a Healthy Community

Good news and a way to go yet!

Many of you know People for a Healthy Community (PHC) is in the midst of a fundraising campaign to bridge the gap in the Food Grocery Programs. All families across Canada are shocked by what it costs to feed their families and Gabriolans are no different. When you add the high cost of housing into the budgeting process, participating in a community food program is for many a necessary solution. Consequently, participation in PHC’s weekly grocery program has risen by 21% over last year, and the frequency of visits in a month has also increased. In any given month, we can see 500 unique visits.

Our fundraising campaign is focused on recruiting monthly donors – as a way to stabilize our programs, reduce donor fatigue, and enable us to focus our “free” time on improving our programs and addressing other community gaps. Our target is to raise $120,000 by June 2025, and if we can raise the majority of that via monthly donors so much the better. To date, we have raised over $32,000 or about 27% of our goal!! The great news is the CBC Annual Food Bank Drive and the influx of year-end donations are on the horizon. If you have made a donation, thank you, if you have made a monthly donation, thank you, if you are planning to make a donation, please do so. If you have any questions or would like a tour of our facilities please contact us at 250 247 7311 or

Our Annual General Meeting is on Oct. 26 at 2pm and details are on our events page at