Joyce Babula

President, on behalf of the Board ofthe Gabriola Island Community Hall Association

We are gearing up for the Gabriola Community Hall’s 69th Salmon BBQ.  The board is happy to announce that Gail Wilson has come on as a coordinator for the BBQ.  She will work with Julie Stewart this year and next year take the lead with Julie helping her so that we have a smooth transition. It is going to be a special one as we will also be having the Grand Opening of the Lund Pavilion, outdoor gathering space. 

As usual, there will be Live, Local, Entertainment, 50/50 Raffle, Silent Auction and the delicious Barbecued Salmon Dinner.  Mark your calendar for August 10th.  Tickets will be available online,  at Colleen’s and North Road Sports.  You will also be able to purchase them at the BBQ.   This is our major fundraiser with the funds being used to pay some of the operating costs of your Community Hall so that we are able to keep rentals of the hall affordable for our local community. 

We look forward to a great day – Sandy Lucken has a great line up of entertainment including Abandon Bunnies, Mike Allen, Paul Gellman Band, The Island Singers, a Karate demonstration, and more.  We will be doing a 50/50 draw, and a silent auction.  The kid’s area will be up and running and always a hit.   Beer and Ravenskill Orchard cider will be available.   – and Gertie has runs that can deliver you to and from the Hall.

We have a multitude of loyal and hard-working volunteers – who faithfully turn out every year, both in preparing the event and on the day of the barbecue.  But there is always room for more – organizing beer sales, setting up the site, helping with the raffle, picking up various items and delivering them to the Hall, cooking potatoes for the salad, helping with finding more volunteers and so on.

If you would like to lend a hand please contact Julie Stewart and Gail Wilson at –

The organizers of the Silent Auction are actively gathering donation from our community.  It would be great to have several more volunteers to help organize this event on the day of the Salmon BBQ  Donated items are needed and gratefully accepted.  If you would like to volunteer or donate an item, please contact the organizers at

Remember, Tickets are available at Colleen’s, North Road Market and online at

See you there!

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