Sounder News

There are three candidates running in the byelection this Wednesday, June 14 for the Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District Board.

Jim Hughes, Kent Moen, and Charleen Wells.

Voting is at the Albert Reed Memorial Fire Hall #1 on Church Street from 12pm to 7pm.

Candidates were provided with a set of questions, and asked to provide answers to the Sounder which were under 400 characters. Candidates Hughes and Wells did so. Candidate Moen provided a statement, which is included after these answers from the other two candidates.

1. Why are you running for Fire Board Trustee? What makes you an ideal Fire Board candidate?

Hughes: I was asked to run by a neighbour, and a friend. They know of my strong history serving in the Communities where I have lived. I have no personal agenda or preconceived notions. I have strong volunteer and business management  skills, working well with people & am a problem solver. My career has been focused on Construction and Risk Assessment, creating effective Plans of Action to mitigate risks.

Wells: I share with Gabriolans the need for the most effective Fire Department possible. Gabriolians from different backgrounds have asked me to run for Trustee as I have experience with Boards and Due Process. For 2 years, I have attended 95% of the monthly Trustee meetings; made suggestions that were acted upon. I plan on listening to all sides & researching to make the best decisions for all Gabriola.

2. What do you think can be improved in terms of the Board being involved with the public?

Hughes: The Trustees must  acknowledge public communication is essential. I intend to encourage and support the Community to participate, attend meetings where we all share respectful, open communication as a means to take ownership and find solutions. The Committee must be fair and open to ideas to improve or increase protection for all stakeholders.

Wells: I would ensure Gabriolans are aware of how to contact the Fire Board, reminding the residents of the monthly and general meetings, the Trustee web site, other specific public meetings, and events where Board members are presents, such as the Fire Department Open House.

3. What can local governments like Improvement Districts do to work towards the goals of the Truth and Reconciliation Report, beyond doing land acknowledgements at the start of meetings?

Hughes: This report is the basis for understanding, specific to First Nations. Their truth about past transgressions. If such transgressions exist on Gabriola & fall within the GFPID Governance and responsibilities, we, the Trustees must acknowledge their truth. This will aid in not repeating any negative history. The Committee must strive to always be forging a Strong Partnership with all Stakeholders.

Wells: Reaching out to the Chief and Council by letter inquiring whether they would be interested in learning more about the Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department and the Fire Department Board.

4. The recent Fire Services Review report noted existing Bylaws conflate the roles and responsibilities of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (i.e. the Board of Trustees, which is legally the Employer) and the Fire Chief, setting up internal contradictions with regard to authority and responsibility. Brownlee specifically recommends that the Bylaws be revised and new Operational Guidelines be developed. How do you think the balance between Board and Fire Chief should be structured in terms of ultimate authority and responsibility?”

Hughes: It is my experience that an Executive Committee of a minimum of 3 Trustees (one of whom is the Chair) should be struck, to whom the Fire Chief reports.

Wells: The Board hires the Fire Chief to perform duties as per the job description, in accordance with Provincial regulations which can create overlaps. The Brownlee recommendations need to be reviewed and incorporated where valid. Clear guidelines and Bidirectional reporting will facilitate a balance. I wish there was more space to expound on my answer.

5. There are requests from the public that the entirety of the bylaws be made available for public viewing at the Gabriola Library, and online. Do you think this should be provided?

Hughes: Absolutely. This is a Provincial mandate that By-Laws are made available to the Public. I recommend adding a seventh dropdown Link to the website titled Governance. All governance publications relative to Governance and By-Laws will be publicized and updated, as necessary. The sub-category of “Links” will be removed from the “Trustees” dropdown. More clarity will be achieved.

Wells: It is my understanding that in order to minimize theuse of invalid bylaws only the current ones are available at the Gabriola Library. ie: this ensures the public has access to the correct and up-to-date versions.

6. Would you make any changes to the current budget, and if so, why?

Hughes: In my 20+ years of being a volunteer on community boards I know the importance of doing good detailed research into any Budget, before suggesting any changes. I will commit to attaining the information in order to be able to review knowledgeably. It is for this reason, I cannot today definitively answer this question.

Wells: my understanding is existing budgets cannot be changed. The existing budget is analyzed when preparing the upcoming budget in order to note which line items need to increase or decrease. Often items to be annual revised or added include staffing, consultants, & Capital expenditures. The Board has to balance providing necessary FD services and minimizing increases (possibility of tax increases).

7. The current board is looking to create a new 10 year plan. Previously it has used the long-range plan as written out by Albert Reed in 1999. What do you think should be included in the next long range plan for the GFPID?

Hughes: I am a strong believer in Planning. The Committee is to create a new Long-Term Plan (LTP) with Short & Medium-Term goals, that support the success of the LTP. This plan will be publicized. A process will be set up for the Committee to review in a timely framework, the status, and/or completion of each step; to determine any need for change or support for success. These plans are fluid & flexible.

Wells: The Board needs to look at creating long-range plan(s) for 3, 5, & 10 years. These need to be reviewed annually. The plan should take into account the services that will be required for the increasing population of Gabriola, residential density, and dramatic changes in weather patterns. In consultation with the FD, the plan(s) could include the expansion of services not currently provided by the FD.

Candidate Kent Moen provided this statement:

Kent Moen: I decided to put my name in to fill one of the vacant positions because I have wanted to get involved with community service for quite a while, but due to business and personal demands on my time, have not up till now.

Prior to moving to Gabriola in January 2008, I had a 25 year career in retail management, with F.W. Woolworth, K Mart, then Zellers. I ended up opening two brand new stores in Red Deer, the last of which was one of, the largest, high volume, and most profitable stores in the company, with up to 180 staff during the opening process. I learned a lot about people and processes, as well as financial, budgets and achieving targets. I think this experience along with owning and operating Wild Rose Garden Centre here on Gabriola for the past 15 years will help in a trustee position, if elected. I also served as President of the Sylvan Lake Curling Club, and the Sylvan Lake Kinsmen Club.

As far as the other questions, they are very in depth and  I have not had time to research these issues. If elected, and after some time “ on the job”, learning the bylaws, rules of the Fire Board, and reports, would be in a better position to respond.

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