Frank (Francis) Mark Callingham
aka Freewheelin’ Frank Kelly
Gone too soon on August 10th, 2020 at 66 years young, with one of his best friends Ken Olson, by his side at RUH Saskatoon.
Frank played his first guitar over 50 years ago and nothing short of a major heart attack could stop the music he so enjoyed creating. He was a talented musician and songwriter who became a large part of the music families in Ontario, BC, and Saskatchewan throughout his life. He recorded solo and with many others.
B.C. accomplishments include Jazz music course at Malaspina college. Teaching guitar at Ferguson’s music store, hosting jams at the White Heart Pub on Gabriola, Purple Head band, and many gigs at the Queens. In keeping with Franks outlook on life, the greatest memorial donation would be to keep his love of life and music alive. Be kind and caring, help others whenever you can and mentor a young musician or artist in your community. A truly free spirit and a friend to all of those he met along the way, Frank’s memory will live on through his music, as his soul moves on to rest in paradise.
Celebrations of Life:
Nanaimo: The Queens on Sept 28, 2024, at 5-8p.m.
Gabriola: The Surf on Sept 29, 2024, at 1p.m.
Please contact Fred at 250-716-1617 or albinojay@shaw.ca if you wish to attend one or both events.
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