Press Release

Jackie Hildering, a well-known humpback whale researcher, is coming to Gabriola to share the work of the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS), and what has been learned as a result of studying individual humpback whales .

She is giving a presentation, titled “A Second Chance with Giants”, at the Gabriola Golf Club on Thursday October 3rd at 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm. Tickets are available at Nova and North Road Sports for $15 each. The event is being co-sponsored by GROWLS and GISKA

Jackie will relate stories about some of the whales MERS has learned from, speaking about them as ambassadors for understanding feed strategies, site fidelity, the threats whales face and the importance of whales to the planet earth. She is a co-founder of MERS for Northern Vancouver Island, and has been learning from the marine life in Kwakwaka’wakw territory for over 20 years. She is a wonderful speaker and underwater photographer. Her presentation is an opportunity not to miss.

.Jackie and MERS ‘s efforts have been recognized with awards for environmental education and conservation, and have been featured on PBS, Animal Planet, and most recently the BBC’s Planet Earth 111.

For further insights into what Jackie’s presentation will be like, there is a web exclusive on the BBC website and

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