Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
GaLTT is famous for its dedicated volunteers, who work on trails, accessibility, invasives, habitat restoration, conservation, and public education initatives. But we also have lots of admin and materials costs. Membership fees, especially those from monthly donor members, provide a significant, steady income, helping to cover these basic operating expenses. If you can’t volunteer for physical or scheduling reasons, being a member is a significant way to contribute. Every little bit helps.
Learn about membership options at Membership fees are tax-deductible and can be paid monthly, annually, or every five years. You can save money by pairing with a friend or relative (not necessarily a spouse/partner) for a Joint membership. A monthly membership may be manageable in your budget (as little as $5/ month!) while being easier for GaLTT to administer, providing a steady income stream throughout the year.
Members guide our work through their votes at Annual and Special General Meetings. When we apply for special-project funding from governments and other organizations, the number of GaLTT members demonstrates our community’s support. Ever-changing technology means we sometimes need contract out work that used to be done by volunteers, necessitating a higher steady income.
Two more reasons to join—new-member contests. Sign up between now and April 7 to enter the draw. The draws will happen at the April 8 Board Meeting.
CONTEST 1: for all new or renewing members:
1st prize: $25 gift card from North Road Sports + a GaLTT tee-shirt
2nd prize: $25 gift card from North Road Sports
CONTEST 2: for existing members who convince someone to sign on as a new member (make sure the person you encourage to become a member puts your name in the field provided, so both of you can be in the draw)
1st prize: $25 gift card from North Road Sports + a GaLTT tee-shirt
2nd prize: $25 gift card from North Road Sports
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