Site at Rollo for gravel practice field selected, report to come on new sports field facility options
Rachelle Stein-Wotten Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder More field space at Rollo McLay Park is on its way as the parks and open spaces committee voted in favour of adding an all-weather playing space while supporting staff to look into locations...
RDN wants to know if residents want larger organics collection carts
Rachelle Stein-Wotten Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder Introducing larger organics carts to allow for curbside collection of more yard waste is on the public consultation docket as the Regional District of Nanaimo is reporting an uptick in usage...
Marina fuel shipments denied passage on Gabriola ferry
Dangerous goods vehicles wait to leave Gabriola on May 15. Derek Kilbourn photo Derek Kilbourn Sounder News A shortage of space on the Gabriola Island Class ferries for Dangerous Goods haulers meant both shipments for the marine fuel docks in Silva Bay were not...
Planting the Seeds of Food Security and Ecological Education on Gabriola
Framer Elana Evans in her happy place watering vegetable starts in the new propagation house. Photo courtesy Elana Evans Rob West On behalf of Gabriola Nature Education Society, and People for a Healthy Community A vision of food security, nature education, and local...
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