Cpl. Jordan Mullen

Detachment Commander, Gabriola RCMP

A 45-year-old man has been charged following a home invasion in the community.

On October 7, 2023 at approximately 12:30am, the Gabriola RCMP responded to a report of a home invasion at a residence in the 2500 Block of North Road on Gabriola Island. The sole intruder, who was armed with a weapon, broke into the residence and was confronted by the home owner. The suspect did not physically injure anyone in the house; however, he caused a significant amount of property damage, including starting a fire inside the home. The two home owners managed to exit the residence upon police arrival. The Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department later attended and extinguished the fire, minimizing some of the damage to the residence.

The suspect, who appeared to be under the influence of drugs, was arrested by police on scene. He was transported to the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital via the Nanaimo Port Authority vessel.

On October 12, Nathan Macleod appeared in Nanaimo Provincial Court and was charged with:

• Break and enter and commit indictable offence

• Arson damaging property

• Mischief over $5000

• Two counts of possessing weapon for dangerous purpose

• Failure to comply with probation order

He was remanded into custody, and is schedule to return to court on October 16.

The investigation is ongoing.