
Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.


Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.


At the Library: The Mending Group

Gabriola Public Library 575 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

The Mending Group: bring your mending projects for help and support by fellows stitchers. Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Library. 2-3pm.


Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.