
Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.


Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.


Palette People at the Rollo Centre

Rollo Seniors Centre 685 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Tuesdays and Fridays - Palette People at the Rollo Centre. 10am until whenever. Come be part of a very creative, helpful, non-judgmental group. No need too register, just show up. Beginners especially welcome.

GaLTT’s Stroll and Sip

Thurs. Aug. 15 - GaLTT’s Stroll and Sip: join a GaLTT volunteer on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 4 pm  for an hour long stroll and then stay for a drink at the Surf.  This is a great way to meet fellow walkers and explore our trails. This is the final Stroll and Sip of the […]

Books & Bagels

Gabriola Public Library 575 North Rd, Gabriola, BC

Sat. Aug 17 - Books & Bagels – All families with young children are invited to the library for free breakfast and a book! Stay for stories, songs, and a craft. This is the second of 3 Books & Bagels events – the next one to take place Sept 21. These events are brought to […]