Derek Kilbourn

Sounder News

Shield Maiden is going to be launching a final tour with a show on Gabriola.

Melanie Teichroeb (Playwright/performer) and Sandy Cumberland (Production Manager) have toured Shield Maiden to New York City, Austin, Texas, Nanaimo and all across BC.

The show takes the audience back in time, to join the rowdy crowd at a 10th century Viking TedTalk.

Ingrid Larsdöttir, bad ass warrior, offers simple how-to’s and practical advice to help the audience embrace their inner warrior and live their lives like a true Shield Maiden.

And – for now – Teichroeb will be hanging up the shield and sword as she moves to other projects.

But not before taking Ingrid on one more tour, which launches on Gabriola on February 13 at the Haven’s Phoenix Auditorium.

That will be followed by a performance in Surrey; a week-long run at the Evergreen Theatre in Coquitlam, and finishing up with a show on March 8, International Women’s Day (IWD), in London, England.

Teichroeb spoke to the Sounder this past week about the show and tour.

She said, “the support of Gabriola is the best.

“You buy tickets and show up in the rowdy crowd every time I need to travel to a far flung destination.

“New York City, Austin and now the UK.  Over all seven years, even with your stellar support, I barely broke even. My husband Dave might disagree with me.

“I have not taken one moment for granted but the weight of self producing is a heavy one. I can’t fully say goodbye to Shield Maiden, but I have more projects needing my focus and hustle. I’m ready to be a warrior for those fledglings.”

As to how she managed a booking in London, Teichroeb  said, “I asked them. I met the Artistic Director of Artsdepot at the same virtual workshop I met the Trade Commissioner at in 2023. In 2024, I flew to Europe and met face to face. They offered IWD in 2025. I said yes!”

The London show is being sponsored by the High Commission of Canada.

“The High Commission has been crucial in setting me up with presenters and organizers across Europe,” said Teichroeb. “They also donated marketing funds to Artsdepot, the venue I will be performing at in London. Sponsorship is incredibly important to launch performing artists. They have boots on the ground, know the systems and the players and can make connections an individual never could. Thanks to Jasmine Howes of the Gabriola Theatre Centre and to especially to David Warburton and the Port Theatre staff. Both individuals and their theatres legitimized my work and are directly responsible for this next tour.”

Flying with a costume involving a sword, and shield can present challenges.

Teichroeb said she took the sword and shield with her to NYC when she performed off Broadway, and labeled the carrying case “Theatre Props.”

But she is traveling solo this time and can’t manage all the bits alone on the planes, trains, and automobiles.

So for London, she is renting both sword and shield from the National Theatre of London.

“The wig travels just fine. She appreciates your concern.”

How is significant is it to have the final show on International Women’s Day?

Teichroeb said, “I genuinely hope it’s not the absolute, final performance of Shield Maiden forever, but if it is, it will be a very fine way to end it all.

“The entire tour feels significant that way. My Gabriola show is a deep bow to all the women warriors in this community who supported, trained, nurtured, advised, sewed, fed, cheered, rallied, and showed up for me when it all felt too heavy to continue. Thanks to them, International Women’s Day is everyday for me.”

Teichroeb, a teacher and advocate for sign language in theatre, has had ASL interpreters at her performances.

She said there will be ASL interpreters at all the Canadian shows, including Gabriola.

“For London, the Deaf community uses BSL or British Sign Language. I have been invited to a luncheon with Remark! Community while in London.

“They are a Deaf organization and have asked me to come speak to their members about the significance of International Women’s Day and my play.”

As for the aforementioned projects, Teichroeb was awarded a BC Arts Professional Development grant to learn ASL.

“I want to collaborate with a Deaf artist in their native language. I also have a campy musical about reincarnation and a solo show about when Steve Perry quit the band Journey. Stay tuned Gabriola, you haven’t heard the last of me!”

More information on Shield Maiden, as well as information on the upcoming tour, is available on