Miranda Holmes

Gabriola Players

Do you love theatre? Are you an organized and details-orientated person? Are you good at herding cats? Gabriola Players needs you!

We want to bring the panto back to the Community Hall this year, but before auditions can be held we need to cast some of the most crucial roles: the stage managers, who are the backbone of every play and every panto. .

No idea what stage managers do? We’ve got you. We’re holding a workshop focussed on the fundamentals of stage management at the Rollo Centre on Sunday, August 11 (2-5pm) and Tuesday, August 13 (7-9pm) for people who want to become involved in creating theatre in a backstage capacity. Mentoring is also part of the deal.

This is what the stage manager of Robin Hood says about the role: “Stage managing a panto is a massive undertaking, but, my goodness, it is rewarding. And a lot of fun! It’s amazing to watch the show come together from the auditions to the first reading of the script to opening night. You can’t quite believe you (oh, and the director and cast and the rest of the crew) have pulled this spectacle off. For those of us who would never set foot on a stage in front of an audience, it’s a wonderful way to be involved in making magic!”

If you think you would like to be part of the next panto – and future productions –  sign up for this FREE workshop by sending an email to gabriolaplayers@gmail.com. For more information, go to gabriolaplayers.ca/SMworkshop.

We know you’re out there. We just need to meet you. Come and help us make magic!