Nicole Knowles

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder

The smell of homemade soup and biscuits filled the halls of Gabriola Elementary on Wednesday as the weekly hot lunch program was being served.

Volunteers from People for a Healthy Community, led by newly hired hot lunch co-ordinator Mercedes Jayne were there with smiles as the kids lined up to receive their meal.

Jayne said she is thrilled to join the team and delighted to see the kids excited about healthy food.

This year, principal Marc Daneault, with the support of the school’s parent advisory council and Gabriola Island Recycling Organization, changed how lunch is served in the school.

Single-use containers introduced during COVID-19 have been replaced with regular dishes – a greener, cheaper alternative that aligns with the school’s environmental goals – put into use this past month.

The school bought enough plates and cutlery from GIRO for the entire student body of 160 students.

Dedicated community volunteers run the program, and grade 5-7 students also pitch in with serving and clean-up.

“The kids enjoy the opportunity to help with the clean-up and doing dishes, which for many has been their first opportunity to engage in this daily chore,” Daneault said. He sees it as a chance to build life skills and camaraderie.