Gabriola Island Community Investment Co-op

Press Release

Extreme heat, drought, wild fires, flooding…..the weather this year leads many Gabriolans to wonder what concrete actions we can take to mitigate the effects of climate change in our own backyard. On this front, Gabriola Island’s Community Investment Co-op (GICIC) hopes to help through the launch of a new program.

The Green Loan Program aims to assist Gabriolans purchase (and install as needed) a broad range of items to promote sustainability and environmental protection. These include cisterns, solar panels, heat pumps, updated wood stoves, window and insulation improvements, electric vehicles and chargers.

Regional, provincial and federal rebates are available to offset the cost of these items, but such rebates usually are disbursed retroactively, after the homeowner has shouldered all costs up front. A Green Loan may help bridge that funding gap. Other energy and water conservation measures may also be eligible for a Green Loan, including purchases of Goal Zero products through Gabriola’s Sustainable Energy Co-op.

See the GICIC website ( for more information on the criteria and process to apply for a Green Loan. A brief summary of some of the available government rebate programs is also provided. A number of these (such as the RDN program for rainwater harvesting that opens in January) are very popular and have limited funding. This makes it important to research eligibility and apply as early as possible, keeping in mind that many programs require pre-approval. For more information on GICIC’s Green Loan program, email . We wish all Gabriolans a hopeful, healthy and happy new year!

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