Warning issued to person burning prohibited materials
Will Sprogis Fire Chief, Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department On December 11 at approximately 4 PM, the Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to a miscellaneous fire on the north end of Gabriola Island. Upon arrival, the deputy called for Engine One and...
Hospital budget proposed to increase 28.2% for RDN residents
Nicole Knowles Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder The Board for the Nanaimo Regional Hospital District (NRHD) has approved a provisional 28.2 per cent budget increase for 2025. If the increase stays in place, it will put the tax requisition for...
Gabriola sees increase in overdose calls in 2024
, Sounder file photo Sounder News Paramedics with the BC Emergency Health Services have responded to a total of 29 overdose/poisoning patient calls on Gabriola this year, as of December 2, 2024. In 2023, there were a total of 17 calls for overdoses on Gabriola....
Islands Trust proposing 7.3% increase in 2025-26 budget
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News The Islands Trust is considering a budget increase of 7.3 per cent for Local Trust Areas for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. The proposed budget was on the agenda at the December Islands Trust Council meeting. The draft 2025-2026 budget has...
Ferry Schedule lengthening in January to include 11:30pm sailing
Sounder News The Gabriola Ferry Schedule is going to be shifting on January 2, 2025. Returning to the schedule, 10 years after it was removed, is an 11:30pm sailing out of Nanaimo. This will also mean that there will be an 11pm sailing leaving Gabriola. According to...
BC Ferries changing plans for terminal redevelopments
Sounder News The terminal infrastructure work planned for 2026 for the Gabriola route is being changed by BC Ferries. Steve Earle, Chair of the Gabriola Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) said this past Monday, BC Ferries announced to FAC members that the scope of work...
Daytime warming centre formalized for Gabriola
Penny Scott Gabriola Community Wellbeing Coordinator The recent cyclone bomb and extended power outage challenged even the most stoic Gabriolan. The Extreme Weather Action Team (part of the Gabriola Health & Wellbeing Collaborative) is pleased to announce that...
Krog convinces RDN Board to reverse INFilm funding decision
Nicole Knowles Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder Regional District of Nanaimo Board members have voted to continue providing an annual grant of $50, 000 to Vancouver island North Film Commission (INfilm). This came at the November 26 meeting of...
Port Theatre collaborating with Marriott Nanaimo for Winter Harp matinee with medieval-themed dinner
Winter Harp is at the Port Theatre this Saturday. Submitted photoSounder News This coming Saturday, December 14, Winter Harp returns to the Port Theatre in Nanaimo. A classic event in the Port’s Spotlight Series for over 20 years, Winter Harp is a holiday favourite...
BC Ferries says fares will need to increase 30% in 2028
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News Nicolas Jimenez, CEO and President of BC Ferries, said this past week ferry fares would need to increase by 30% in 2028 to allow the ferry company to keep up with the costs of running the ferry system. This would mean passenger fares on the...
BC Ferries to terminate use of Ferry Advisory Committees
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News BC Ferries announced this past Monday that it is terminating the use of Ferry Advisory Committees. Steve Earle and Heather O’Sullivan sit as the Co-Chairs for the Gabriola Ferry Advisory Committee. There are 13 FACs currently listed on the...
Two sailings removed from Gabriola ferry schedule – tie-up berth in Nanaimo damaged and unavailable
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News BC Ferries has removed the 7:05am and 5:05pm sailings from the Gabriola ferry schedule on a ‘till further notice’ basis. The 5:05pm will remain available on Wednesdays. This comes after BC Ferries and all other users of the Vessel Visiting...
Chamber Ensemble Lights up the Season with Dec. 1 Concert
Chamber Ensemble Press Release As winter darkness creeps over Gabriola, there’s a glimmer of musical starlight on the horizon. Director Brad Shipley and the Gabriola Chamber Ensemble – a community group of seven orchestra members and 22 choristers – are putting the...
BC Ferries has yet to schedule meeting with FAC about 2026 shutdown
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News Susan Yates, who represents the Islands Trust on the Gabriola Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) says the FAC is, “begging BC Ferries to meet with [the Gabriola FAC] as soon as possible, to talk about mitigating measures that will be in place...
Fire Board passes bylaw to establish four capital reserves at request of provincial government
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News The Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District has passed Bylaw 108 at a Special Meeting held on November 14. The Board held the Special Meeting with the sole agenda item being the approval of Bylaw 108, a bylaw to establish four...
Gabriola Fire Board adjourns meeting after individual refuses to stop video recording
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News The Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District Board will now be holding a General Meeting at 4pm on November 14. This comes after it had already set (and now postponed) a meeting for November 7. No reason was given for the postponment...
RDN expanding Organics Yard Waste stream – survey available
Sounder News In March 2023, the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) began allowing RDN curbside collection customers to put yard waste into their green-lidded organics cart. The service level expansion applied to all single-family dwellings in the RDN and is included...
School District will not increase maintenance funding for Gabriola Elementary School field
Field to be closed to community groups for winter Nicole Knowles Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder On September 25, coaches with the Gabriola Soccer Association made a presentation to the Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District Board, requesting an...
RDN Parks staff cautious in saying youth soccer can use Rollo
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News Representatives of the Gabriola Soccer Association (GSA)once again presented to Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) regarding how to improve access to sports field for youth soccer use on Gabriola. This time, it was at the Oct. 21 meeting of...
RDN waste management approaches – waste diversion and landfill management
Vanessa Craig Regional District of Nanaimo Director, Electoral Area B: Gabriola, Mudge, Decourcy Islands The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) provides waste management services, including pick-up of garbage, recycling, and organics for Gabriola and the six other...
78 acre property adjacent to 707 purchased by GaLTT and RDN for parkland
More park for Gabriola - Hugh Skinner, President of GaLTT, high fives Vanessa Craig, RDN Director for Electoral Area B (Gabriola, Mudge, Decourcy) celebrating the purchase of the Wilkinson Woods off South Road. Derek Kilbourn photoSounder News The Regional District of...
Lulu Presents the Brodie West Quintet from Toronto Nov. 1st
Alexander Varty Lulu Performing Arts Society Brodie West wants to come clean. It’s possible, he says from his home in Toronto, that the last time he played on Gabriola he might have taken things a bit too far. Drummer Shawn Abedin certainly did. Some of the details...
Fire Board: 2025 budget bylaw sent to Victoria, and new response model being tried out
Derek Kilbourn Sounder News The Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District Board has sent the proposed budget for 2025 to the Ministry for Municipal Affairs. The levy proposed for 2025 is $1,406,023. The 2024 levy was $ 1,021,958. The borrowing bylaw to request...
27% of goal reached. Only $88,000 to go!
Brenda Fowler Executive Director, People for a Healthy Community Good news and a way to go yet! Many of you know People for a Healthy Community (PHC) is in the midst of a fundraising campaign to bridge the gap in the Food Grocery Programs. All families across Canada...
Malcolmson wins Nanaimo-Gabriola race, provincial results too close to say who will form government.
The candidates running for Nanaimo-Gabriola in the 2024 Provincial Election. L-R: Dale Parker (Conservative Party of BC); Sheila Malcolmson (BC NDP); Shirley Lambrecht (BC Greens). Sounder photoDerek Kilbourn Sounder News There is still come question as to who will...