Rachelle Stein-Wotten

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder

Three Gabriola non-profits have received funding from the Regional District of Nanaimo via the 2024 round of community grants.

The RDN board approved grants to 27 organizations in the RDN, with a total of $97,622 to be distributed. In all, 43 applications were received, seven of which were from Gabriola organizations, totalling $311,718 in requested funding. At their June 17 meeting, the RDN’s community grants committee received information on applicants who had received funding in the past five years.

For 2024, the Gabriola Commons Foundation will receive $5,000 to go toward upgrades to its electrical system to meet code; the Gabriola Land and Trails Trust $2,675 for invasive species removal, education and restoration; and the Gabriola Songs Society (Gabriola Theatre Centre) will receive $2,700 for lighting equipment. Of the three funded Gabriola groups, only GaLTT received its full requested amount.

Grants awarded this year range from $1,000 to $8,000. Also at their June meeting, the community grants committee voted to update its policy on grant criteria, including providing a definition of capital costs and including a maximum amount of funding that can be requested.

The RDN budget for 2024 includes $120,000 for community grants by application, up from $69,000 in previous years. The increase was to respond to the growing number of applications from non-profits. The application window for the 2025 cycle closes April 25, 2025.