Rachelle Stein-Wotten

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Gabriola Sounder

The request for statements of qualifications for a new taxpayer funded health and wellbeing coordinator position for Gabriola closed last week and the Regional District of Nanaimo says a total of two submissions were received.

The RFSQ for the part-time coordinator position follows the establishment of the new Gabriola Health and Wellbeing Service for the island that resulted after little opposition was registered through an alternative approval process (AAP) in February.

The one-year contract is for a service provider to deliver the new service via a part-time position up to the amount of $50,592, excluding tax.

The service provider will oversee the person undertaking the coordinator position, according to the RFSQ.

The coordinator will need to be based on Gabriola and will work with Gabriola health and wellbeing organizations including the volunteer-led Gabriola Health and Wellness Collaborative, the former via consultation with a leadership team appointed by the collaborative to determine the coordinator’s work plan.

Along with monthly consultations with the collaborative, the coordinator will deliver an annual report to the RDN board of directors.

The RDN’s RFSQ included a need to detail the service provider’s experience and familiarity with working on Gabriola Island and collaborating with Gabriola organizations.

The AAP that resulted in the establishment of the service was for a one-year pilot. Following the pilot, a review would evaluate the effectiveness of the position and consider whether to continue on with a part-time position, or expand it to full-time, according to remarks made at RDN board meetings.