Sounder News

As all students in BC head back to school this week, they will be entering into buildings where restrictions on personal digital devices have been put in place by the provincial government.

This past May, Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools adopted a policy to comply with the province’s requirement for all public schools in BC to have language restricting personal digital devices use in schools.

The province and District have both said the restrictions are going in place as it is easier for students to focus on school without distractions from cell phones and other personal digital devices.

In her letter to caregivers, Laura Tait, Interim Superintendent, NLPS states, “our staff is committed to a collaborative approach to helping students understand the new rules around personal digital devices in classrooms when they return to classes next week.

Cellphones do not need to be left at home. However, before heading to school, students should be aware there will be restrictions on using their phones for noneducational purposes. Personal digital devices are not permitted for use during class/instructional time unless an educator has given permission.

In elementary schools, personal digital devices are now restricted throughout the instructional day (start of day bell to dismissal bell.) This includes class time, recess, and lunch. For some of our schools, this may include supervision time on school grounds before the welcome bell. Devices must be turned off or placed on airplane mode and kept in a backpack or school bag for the entire school day.

In secondary schools, personal digital devices must be turned off or placed on airplane mode before students enter the classroom and during instructional time. Personal digital devices are not permitted for use during class/instructional time unless an educator has given permission.

Tait writes that in all schools, there will be consideration given to:

• use of personal digital devices for appropriate educational purposes;

• accessibility and accommodation needs;

• medical and health needs;

• equity to support learning environments.

Where a specific, individual, requirement is identified, arrangements will be made on a case-by-case basis.

She adds in her letter to caregivers, “we would appreciate your support to share this information with your child and encourage them to work with their teachers in a positive way to follow the restrictions on personal digital devices in schools next week. The district is committed to providing updates and information regarding digital devices in schools as available. For more information visit

“We kindly ask everyone to join us in encouraging students to develop digital literacy skills and use technology solely for educational purposes while at school.”

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