Press Release

GERTIE (Gabriola’s community bus) and Gabriola Recreation Society, with funding from Vancouver Island Health Authority, are pleased to offer free bus rides for Gabriolans (and visitors) to get moving at the skate park, the tennis and paddle-ball courts, and the soccer and baseball fields, or onto the trails with bikes. Everyone is eligible. The program has already started and lasts all summer long and into the fall. When you board the bus just show the driver something recreational: a bike, a board, a scooter, roller blades, a racquet, a ball-glove, a ball etc.) and tell them you’re off to do something fun. You’ll get to ride for free to your recreation destination, and then back home again later.

GERTIE, the Gabriola Recreation Society and Island Health are excited about this project, and we hope it will encourage people to get out and get moving, especially young people who might not have other transportation options.

You can find out when the bus comes close to your neighbourhood by looking up the bus schedule at

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